If You Need Support Along Your
Come Join Us at BIPOC SHIP!
Join Us on Zoom for Our Next Meeting
WHEN: 3rd Thursday of every month at 2PM EST

BIPOCSHIP is a Black, Indigenous, People of Color Accountability Hub that meets virtually every third Thursday to grapple with the challenges in their organizations. It is a brave space where anti-racist professionals and service providers Support, Heal, Inspire, and Plan to dismantle barriers to equity. Participants enjoy an opportunity to add to their knowledge, focus on solutions, be in community, and expand their network with other passionate professionals committed to antiracism and antioppression. This gathering is open to all BIPOC who seek connection and solutions on their anti-racist journey. All Accountability Hubs are FREE.
If you would like to be added to the BIPOC SHIP distribution list, please contact:
lynn@mpgconsultingnyc.com or mpgconsultingnyc@gmail.com
For more information regarding all accountability hubs:
For information about the Undoing Racism® Executive Collective Meeting: