MPG Consulting Presents:
Culturally and Racially Attuned CEU Credits
For Individuals and Organizations
Course Title: Understanding the Intersection of Law Enforcement and Youth for Social Work Practice
Subject/Topic: Social work practice, knowledge and skills
Name and Qualifications of the Presenter:
Harry J. Corbitt, New York State Police (Retired) is the former Chief Inspector of the Internal Affairs Section and Commander of the New York State Police. He has held numerous positions in law enforcement and public safety. His work has included developing training materials for police agencies, conducting seminars for school security officers in Albany City Schools, and conducting seminars for youth groups on interaction with the police. Mr. Corbitt received the George Searle Award for developing an assessment center training model New York State Police recruit trainees, which is still used as the model for New York State Police attending the basic school. He currently maintains a private consulting firm. One of the firm’s services is providing workshops for youth of color on how to safely interact with police in their neighborhoods. He has presented this workshop to youth and staff in social service agencies for MPG Consulting Co.
Description of course:
The workshop is a three hour session will provide information to social workers about the dynamics of the interaction of the police with youth of color; what approaches can ‘level the playing field’ for African Americans during police encounters; and the role social workers can play in promoting collaboration between police departments and their clients. The recent grand jury decisions not to indict police officers in the killing of African American males is symptomatic of a larger long standing dynamic between police departments and Black and Latino youth. The workshop will address the broader systemic connections between behavioral health, social services, public schools and the police. It will also provide for participants concrete information that Mr. Corbitt shares with young people of color about what behaviors can create justification by police to use of deadly physical force. He will offer concrete suggestions about what young people can do when law enforcement comes to their door, stops their car or stops them on the street.
Teaching Methods:
The course is geared to social workers engaged in agency practice with adults and youth of color. The instructor will use video, verbal, written and/or PowerPoint presentation of material; interactive large group and or small group discussion of concepts and of participants’ practice; and handouts of resources.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will understand the role and behavior of police in urban settings, especially in communities of color.
- Participants will understand the intersection of the law enforcement system with systems of criminal justice, behavioral health, education and social services.
- Participants will understand the specific behaviors of young people of color, especially African American and brown-skinned Latinos that can minimize use of physical force by police.
- Participants will understand and discuss approaches they can take to develop more collaboration between their local police and the communities served by the participants’ social agencies.
Length of course: The course will provide 3 contact hours.
1st Offering: Chlidren’s Village, One Echo Hills CVU1 Room, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. Date and time: Tues. 12/8/15 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
2nd Offering: YWCA, 500 West 56th St. Ground Floor, New York, NY 10019, Date and time: Wed. 12/9/15 9 a.m. – 12 p.m
To sign up for this course, click here.